Key Components for Air Conditioner Servicing
Anyone who was been under the heat of summer appreciate air-conditioners. It offers a relief from the hot and sweaty situation. This is however not all they do. Air-conditioners have become a prerequisite for proper working conditions in almost every organization and equipment as well. They can make a day a little bit more tolerable. It’s not funny however when these handy tools stop working and it’s even worse when you don’t know what to do. For anyone looking to understand how air-conditioners work in this is for you. Anytime you want to service your air-conditioners, you have to look at the different important components the first of which is the filters. The function of this particular component is to catch particles like dust, smoke and pollen grains that might be in the air. Therefore, it is very easy for these filters to get clogged and end up crippling your air conditioner altogether. Servicing these components would require cleaning or performing a routine replacement. On the same note, it’s important to note that when filters are not functioning, they obstruct normal airflow and this ends up increasing their energy consumption of your air conditioner. Additionally, clean filters also prevent any dirt from getting to the air-conditioners condenser and evaporator coils.
The second key component is the coils. As stated before, an air conditioner has an evaporator and a condenser coil. With dirty filters, it gets very easy for the coils to accumulate dirt over time as well. The accumulation of this dirt insulates the coil in a way that reduces its heat absorption capacity. This lowers the cooling effect of your air conditioner. As such, it is important to also take out these coils and clean them of any gathered dirt to increase its effectiveness. The coil fins are the important part of the air conditioner. These are aluminum fins found in the evaporator and condenser coils which can also be problematic if not checked. These fins tend to bend easily and therefore constantly require to be straightened out. A fin comb is used for the straightening. Truth is, it is does not do it perfectly but at the end of the day it straightens them out enough for there to be free airflow through the coil. Given this information, it should now be easier to tell what might be causing problems in an air conditioner just in case you notice it not working properly. This knowledge also helps you to know exactly what to tell a service company when you calling them.