A Quick Guide on Designing Your Custom Challenge Coin
Challenge coins are tokens that signify unity. Here we will be learning how to design a custom challenge coin to boost morale and unify your team.
A Challenge coin is not just some token with an insignia engraved on to it. They are relics that signify strong membership under a challenge, an honorary mention that signifies your importance in carrying out an important task. Challenge coins represent the renowned unit you belong to. Individuals who have received challenge coins carry these medallions with pride.
Though challenge coins are unique and are not created equal. The challenge coin’s design can be a factor in what brings your unit together. If you are not a designer, you might be perplexed as to how you can undertake this renown task. But do not worry and read on as we will discuss how you can design a great challenge coin for your unit or team.
Use an image that is relevant to your message.
The image is what makes or breaks your challenge coin, it is the face of the coin and is the most important aspect to consider when designing your custom challenge coin. The first thing for you to do is think of a message that you want to convey. Then make a short list of imagery that best represents your message.
For example, you might want a challenge coin for your team that is called the Little Rock Falcons. You will want to focus on the image of the falcon and the motif of the Little Rock flag.
If it is to symbolize winning a championship, you might want to add in an image of a trophy to complete the message you are trying to convey.
Keep text to a minimum.
The message of your challenge coin should obviously be read through the image and that any text should be there only to support it, this ensures a clean and neat design. Limited text on your challenge coin is a great way of keeping the design clean. Sometimes, text is required in order to bring out certain messages, here are some tips to keep the design neat and clean under these conditions. Use a larger size coin. Wrap the text around the boarder of the coin. Use obvious abbreviations when necessary.
Avoid using clip art.
Challenge coins should represent your team’s goals, mission, and values. This means challenge coins are unique and are deeply personal.
Do not make use of clip art in order to give out your message. Draw your custom design yourself or hire a professional artist to design for you.
You can view here for more info about making your own custom challenge coins.