Various Uses of a Rebozo

A lot of Mexicans over the years have employ the use of rebozo as a traditional clothing for birth. Rebozo is different in various regions in terms of the color, texture and important but it still remains alone, woven piece of negative clothing that is useful for carrying infants after birth. A lot of places around the world helping attributed with the use of rebozo beyond the Mexican birth culture. In Denmark alone, 9{af533791013bbec58b675642634a890af24f273ce03907ea13000dc016cb3de8} of the women utilize rebozo for vaginal births even though it was only 2{af533791013bbec58b675642634a890af24f273ce03907ea13000dc016cb3de8} five years back. The following are some of the various uses of rebozo.

Rebozo can be employed a lot during labor in that it is used a lot in birthing a person’s hips by controlling various motions of labor and in providing comfort to the lady in labor. Regardless of the posture of their birthing person, the rebozo is the ultimate tool for providing pelvic message which is also commonly known as rocking or jiggling.

The position of the foetus is very significant when it comes to the labor process and rebozo is the right instrument for adjusting the posterior position to make sure that the process takes a shorter time and that it is less painful for the birthing woman. The rebozo is quite instrumental for many care providers and doulas in having to change the position of the baby in the stomach to have a more comfortable birthing process. The employment of the rebozo for pelvic massages however more popular which in itself helps the baby to get in an optimal position for labor and birth.

There is no sufficient amount of research to substantiate as to how the rebozo really works but that there is a lot of psychological effects creates in terms of teamwork and labor support for the woman while the caregivers and the woman together utilize the rebozo to bring forth the baby. The rebozo however is quite significant in terms of little positioning to avoid longer labor hours are also believe the birthing woman the pain of having to go through fetal malpositioning.

Even though there is not sufficient amount of information that is provided scientifically regarding rebozo, there is no one that denies its efficiency during birthing processes. The current use of the rebozo is completely on the basis of individual experiences, narratives, tradition or best of the midwives that are used. As a matter of fact, the World Health Organization recognizes the use of the rebozo and its development in use in labor and birth through two papers that are published in peer-reviewed journals.

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